“ACT Pursuit” – Lansare ȋnscrieri schimb internațional de tineri Erasmus+

Schimburile de tineri sunt o experiență care rămâne mereu în mintea și sufletul tinerilor care se implică ȋn aceste mobilități internaționale. Tinerii care participă învață lucruri noi și își dezvoltă abilități deja existente. Proiectul “ActPursuit” este un schimb de tineri ce are ca tema constientizarea asupra avantajelor si dezavantajelor traiului in comunitati locale mici, din perspectiva tinerilor. Prin teatru si alte metode non-formale, participantii sunt incurajati sa treaca de la…

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Call for Romanian Participants “Cartoon Mill” ERASMUS+ KA1 Cartoon Making Youth Workers’ Training

CARTOON MILL project’s main activity is a 7-day training course, aiming to contribute to the personal and social development of youngsters and youth workers, raising awareness on social inclusion and analysis on social exclusion at European level. On the other hand, the project aims to promote and disseminate technical and educational practices in the field of youth activities, cartoon making and video making tools. The participants will have the chance…

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Tool Kit Promoting Social Entrepreneurship

ToolKit_ promoting social entrepreneurship EN: Please find attached the ‘Promoting Social Entrepreneurship’ Tool Kit, developed within our ‘Entrepreneurship Goes Social’ project. We are hoping that young people you are working with find it a useful and fun instrument for them to become acquainted with the field of social entrepreneurship and involved in social economy initiatives. We hope this publication will allow organizations in our network, as well as other NGOs, social enterprises…

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Note on Current Project Phase „Entrepreneurship goes social”

The „Entrepreneurship goes social” Erasmus+ Project, an initiative of our partner, Good Development Foundation from Poland is taking place right now! A group of 24 participants from 12 countries: Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain and Malta are working together RIGHT NOW in Wisla, located in the beautiful Polish mountainous region. Through interactive tools of non-formal education they are learning about sustainable development, responsible consumption,…

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Europe is OUR Region

Europe is our Region                 ‘Rural Centre of Non Formal Education’ Model – Vila de Marmeleira, Portugal Europe is our Region About 6 years ago, there was a small reclusive rural community, affected by environmental issues, competition from large multinationals hindering local organic producers, lack of citizen motivation, under-use of resources, unemployment, aging population, few educational, occupational and participatory opportunities for youth and as a result, their emigration to cities…

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